“Only the brave should teach. Only those who love the young should teach. Teaching is a vocation. It is as sacred as priesthood; as innate a desire, as inescapable as the genius which compels a great artist. If he has not the concern for humanity, the love of living creatures, the vision of the priest and the artist, he must not teach.” Such statement by Pearl S. Buck suggests that a teacher possesses certain qualities that not everyone is gifted with. Teaching is a gift and that a teacher who has such gift displays remarkable love for humanity. This kind of love is especially shown through a teacher’s generosity and kindness. He also possesses visions for a life with high and esteemed morale and untainted integrity. They are of course committed, dedicated, and diligent towards the things they are inclined to do. These qualities reflect the personal qualities of an outstanding teacher.
Moreover, another saying state, “You can take the teacher out of the classroom but never the classroom from a teacher.” This saying shows that wherever a teacher may be, there is always an opportunity for every teacher to impart knowledge and mold a student’s mind for the development of the said student. This guiding principle implies that a teacher needs to have instructional competence. Basically, instructional competence pertains to the teacher’s competence in managing and handling classroom instructions as well as the manner on how he transmits learning to his students.
Teaching Strategy is one essential tool of a teacher whenever he is practicing his profession. To be an outstanding teacher, one should be better equipped in dealing with the different levels of intelligence sported by his students. A teacher who possesses instructional competence is not only intelligent but also keen and sensitive toward his student’s capabilities and learning disabilities. That way, he becomes more efficient and effective teacher inasmuch as his learners are efficient and effective learners too in their own rights.
Being a teacher is no easy task. It requires a lot of hard work in just making yourself ready for the various kinds of students that you will be dealing in a classroom. It pays to be ready with the various kinds of teaching strategies that will make teaching an easier task. Teaching strategies when implemented in a non-threatening manner enrich the learning environment making the acquisition of knowledge as well as the application of learning more likely.
Inasmuch as considerations for teachers are being given, teachers should also look at the students and ask his self, are these students learned? Are these students actively participating in whatever activities conducted? Outstanding teacher equips himself with the right strategies to address the needs of every student in every classroom setting.
Most importantly, a teacher is someone who affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops according to Henry Books Adams. The truth of the matter is that, teacher’s roles and responsibilities are not limited within the bounds of the four - cornered classroom only. It goes beyond these four corners. It extends to his community. He is not contained only within the vicinity of his classroom. He goes out and involves himself in his community, shares his expertise to those who needs it. He trains those who do not have the chance to go to school. He participates in the civic movements and activities showing the community that he is a role model citizen of his country. In other words, a teacher lives what he teaches, he walks his talks and above all, he sets himself as a role model towards his students, an example of responsible individual, loyal citizen and someone who loves his community.
Lastly, an outstanding teacher is someone who lives an exemplary life. Amidst threats of global crisis, we could still find teachers whose lives are worthy of emulation because we don’t have crisis on model teachers.
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8 years ago