email your answer to
questions: (ESSAY)
1. What is Christmas?
2. Describe its essence to you as:
a. a daughter / son to your parents
b. a best friend
c. a sister / brother to your siblings
d. a student
e. a christian believer
deadline is on December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas and a happy new year...
Reference the External ID on Lookup
8 years ago
1.What is christmas?
Christmas is the christian celebration of the birth of Jesus christ,who is considered the son of God,and the savior of all people.With the birth of christ,christianity essentially begins;thus,christmas also celebrates the beginning of christianity.Though christmas is normally celebrated on the 25th of december,strong evidence suggets that jesus may have in fact been born the spring.Though many christians date christ's birth can actually be dated to 4BC.this is a bit ironic,since the christian era is thought to begin with the birth of christ,but actually begins later.
2.Describe its essence to as:
a.)a daugther to your parents
As daugther to my parents,I obey their rules and regulations being one part of the family.I will do my very best to prove that I can do what the responsibilities it takes from me.
b.)a best friend
Being a good best friend to my friends,I will do my best,respect there own limitations.If ever they have a problem I will willigly listen to them.
c.)a sister to your siblings
As a sister to my siblings,I'll teach them how to be responsible and take the risk if ever theres a conflict towards our family.And how to love one another as what GOD loved us.
d.)a student
As student I will do my task,study hard,make an assignment and do some projects.And also respect one another.
e.)a christian believer
As a christian believer,I obey the word of God and love one another as what he did to us.
I believe but I doubt if it will come true.
I need a goal but I doubt if I will achieve.
I hold on but I doubt it until when.
I know I can, but I doubt there’s something wrong.
Percee Mae Zaballero
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